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Not Since Fred ‘Twinkletoes’ Flintstone….

Maybe you’ve seen this already, but it occurred to me… bowling… Chris’ dad was one of the best… this video clip shows one of the best/worst bowling shot ever… and we’re all about the memes of the day… well, then, we should have it here for posterity. So, here’s that shot where the guy gets a wholly accidental strike in the wrong lane:

I haven’t been bowling in about, oh, 12 years or so, at some old-fashioned lanes somewhere near Culver City. (Wii bowling doesn’t count) I suck worse at bowling than this guy. But at least I stay in my own lane. And gutters. Mostly gutters.

The shot you want to see is at about the :52 mark, by the way.

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  1. smartbunny says:

    Was that on purpose? Because he is way left.

  2. That is awesome. I wish when I go bowling something like that would happen, but no, I just do terribly and never want to bowl again.

  3. Boots_33 says:

    Wow… in the immortal word of Chris Hardwick, “AMAZING!”

    However, I think the guy kinda cheats. He uses the partition on the floor to stop his foot from sliding over the foul line. It must be within the rules if he can do it at the US team trials, but I think it’s a bit lazy, haha.
