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No Parents Vocalist Zoe Reign Smashes Watermelons on SLOW-MO DESTRUCTO Season Finale

Sometime life gives you lemons, and so you are expected to make lemonade. So it goes that when life gives you a gigantic hammer and the (mis)fortune to be invited on to a Japanese-language game show, you take that hammer and make a watermelon a sticky-sweet mess of fruity shrapnel. And that, dear reader, is exactly what Zoe Reign did on the season finale of Slow-Mo Destructo. You read that right, this is the season finale of our delightfully bonkers descent into slow motion madness and blunt-force insanity. To make sure we honored Gallagher’s legacy, we invited Zoe Reign, the take-no-prisoners vocalist of LA-based punk outfit No Parents. (It also guest stars my favorite suit of the season—take note, fashionistas, because koi print is definitely on trend this fall.)

Clad in little more than a pair of yellow rubber overalls and a winning smile, Reign gave our game show a valiant effort, but mostly just succeeded in being our weirdest guest to date. And I say that with nothing but affection because it was genuinely refreshing to see someone embrace the deep-seated strangeness of the show, but also to obliterate a watermelon filled with cottage cheese. Because after filling a pumpkin with blood last week, you can bet your bottom dollar that we were going to throw an O. Henry-style twist your way this week too.

That’s all for this season of Slow-Mo Destructo! You can catch up on past episodes right here.

What did you think of today’s episode? What would be your ideal pairing of celebrity guest and thing to destroy? Do you want more Slow-Mo Destructo? Let us know in the comments below!

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about Star Wars and the Avengers. Follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).

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