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Rogue Wave’s Zach Is Utterly Baffled on This Week’s SLOW-MO DESTRUCTO

You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs, but if you break them in slow motion with a giant hammer you can make a Japanese game show. That’s right! It’s time for another edition of our original series Slow-Mo Destructo!

This time the host, our own senior editor Dan Casey and his continuing wardrobe of absurd suits and glasses, was joined by Zach Rogue of the band Rogue Wave to…answer questions? Spin a wheel? I still have no idea what is going on with this show seeing as how, like all of the guests that appear on Slow-Mo Destructo, I don’t speak a word of Japanese myself. But no matter, because the important thing is that whatever took place led to Zach Rogue swinging that oversized hammer into a big heap of eggs as someone dressed like a cow shot milk at him with a water gun. If I had a nickel…

People often ask if Dan really does speak Japanese—yes, he really does. Clearly, the same cannot be said of Rogue Wave’s frontman Zach, who seemed utterly confused from beginning to end of this episode. Nevertheless, Zach walked away a winner. What’s more, you can hear the non-Japanese lyrical stylings of Rogue Wave on their latest album, Delusions of Grand Fur.

We here at Nerdist are proud to say that Slow-Mo Destructo is now the number one show in the world that features confused musicians destroying items with a big hammer as they wear yellow rain coats. Because some things transcend language.

If you could have any musician appear on Slow-Mo Destructo who would it be? Head to the comments section below and tell us yours.

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