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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Alison Brie’s “The Kiss” Goes Poorly in Apple TV Ad

Game of Thrones‘s Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Community‘s Alison Brie sharing a deep, passionate kiss is the kind of fan-fic come to life that will make nerds everywhere start fantasy casting them in potential projects (well those who haven’t already done that). However, in this new commercial for Apple TV titled “The Kiss,” the smooch they share becomes an awkward exercise in over-preparation…and also trying to hide the fact that you constantly make out with your twin sister.

Opening in a trailer on the set of a fictional movie, Brie isn’t happy with the kiss the two just rehearsed, so she turns to Apple TV to pull up Nikolaj Coster-Waldau’s scene with Juliette Binoche in 1,000 Times Good Night so she can analyze their lip lock. Unhappy with that, Brie tries to ask Siri to pull up some Jamie Lannister footage, which Coster-Waldau quickly stops, instead opting for some Jeremih to set the mood.

Let’s just say in person he is not quite as smooth as the Kingslayer.

Apple is killing it with their new commercials, as this isn’t even the best one they have released lately. Their other new one features Sesame Street‘s Cookie Monster using his iPhone to set a timer for the batch of cookies he just put in the oven. Needless to say, fourteen minutes is an eternity to WAIT FOR COOKIE, and the waiting is not helped by playing Jim Croce’s “Time in a Bottle.”

That shot of Cookie Monster coming up from outside the window should win an award. They should create an award just for it if need be.

What are the best commercials so far in 2016? Tell us your favorites in the comments below.

Image: Apple

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