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New GAME OF THRONES Commercial Has Awesome Unseen Footage

‘Are you afraid? You should be–you’re in the great game now. And the great game’s terrifying.”

“We are sinful creatures; we deserve death. We all do.”

“One way or another, the gift will be given. One way or another a face will be added to the hole.”

Holy s***.

This new commercial from HBO for the upcoming sixth season of Game of Thrones might be short, but it has lots of new footage to get excited about, and lots for the characters to be frightened over.

First we hear the words of Tyrion Lannister talking about the “great game,” as we see Daenerys led into Vaes Dothrak, Tyrion (and his wine) in Mereen, and Ramsay Bolton overlooking a fire.

Then we see Sansa and Theon running scared through snowy woods, Jamie and Cersei in King’s Landing, the High Septon (who is narrating about everyone deserving death), and finally an angry Brienne also in the woods, who may or may not be striking her sword near Theon.

Finally we hear the ominous words of Jaqen H’ghar assuring Arya of at least one death/assassination to come, as we see Drogon soar over a lot of horses (a certain Dothraki gathering place maybe), charging horses in the North, more of the battle from what we think is the Tower of Joy, a giant bursting through the gates at Castle Black, a bunch of other quick shots, and OH CRAP A WHITE WALKER SILHOUETTE AGAINST FIRE.

This commercial aired during a March Madness basketball game and was just posted to HBO’s YouTube on Saturday, so we’ll have more to come after we dissect it like the Zapruder film, but hurry up April 24 HURRY THE HELL UP!

What’s your biggest takeaway from this new commercial? One way or another your comments will be shared below.

Image: HBO

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