A quick heads up for those still waiting to enter the wonderful world of street passing and dual screened magnificence: while supplies last, you can head on over to where all the cool people shop (a/k/a Target) and grab a Nintendo 2DS bundled with Pokémon X for the super low price of $99.99.
The bundle includes the crimson colored 2DS and normally goes for $149.99 with the 2DS running at $129.99 on its own. If you’re not fond of the 2DS’ mini Etch-A-Sketch design, you can still pick up a 3DS XL and receive a $40 Target gift card up through April 19. But again, the 2DS bundle is only while supplies last, so if you’re looking to pick one up in time for the new Super Smash Bros. game this summer, you’d be best served hopping on this deal as quickly as possible.