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New X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Instagram Teaser Arrives

What is with trailers getting teasers these days? Isn’t the trailer itself supposed to be the teaser? In any event, director Bryan Singer has released a new teaser for X-Men: Days of Future Past via Instagram, probably because Fox figured Guardians of the Galaxy and Amazing Spider-Man 2 were getting too much attention this past week (so much drama and rivalry in the Marvel Universe… although that kind of seems fitting).

In this very brief teaser, you’ll see shots of a walking Charles Xavier approaching Cerebro, Mystique in her Jennifer Lawrence non-blue form, some very quick shots of Bishop, Colossus, Warpath, old Charles Xavier, and Wolverine again, and, of course, Michael Fassbender as Magneto. I would assume this little Instagram video is but a quick tease of yet another (presumably final?) trailer coming soon.

X-Men: Days of Future Past opens on May 23rd. Are you looking forward to this one? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. andysodandy says:

    Can’t wait! May will be a good month for movies.

  2. Nate says:

    Days of Future Past was an X-Men storyline where mutants from the “future” (2013!) came back to present-day 1980, where Xavier was already bald and the heroes were already in their fully adult modes. How much have they had to re-work the story to put it in the “past” mode of 1st Class, etc.?

  3. Pestilent Pickle says:

    Is it me or does the McAvoy/Stewart Mashup look a bit like Anton Lavey?

  4. Pestilent Pickle says:

    Is it me or does the McAvoy/Stewart Mashup look a bit like Anton Lavey

  5. Spatula Dave says:

    Agreed, GH. Wolverine and Spider-man BELONG in the Avengers movies, its total BS what Sony and Fox are doing to Marvel.

  6. Fartbooty says:


  7. GH says:

    Looking forward to it, but man do I wish Marvel would get the rights back to x-men movies. Singer’s take on the X-men is the worst. It’s not surprise that First Class was the best movie and didn’t have his involvement. I remember reading an interview where he said he never read the comics before signing on to the movie. He doesn’t get the characters or their appeal at all.