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New WONDER WOMAN Poster is Sufficiently Epic

For a lot of fans, Gal Gadot‘s appearance in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice as Wonder Woman, fighting alongside the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, was the highlight of the film’s lengthy runtime, and it let to much excitement as to what her solo movie would be. And we certainly know a decent amount about the movie, from it being her origins on Themyscira and her fighting in World War I, breaking from her traditional introduction in World War II, but beyond that, we’ve been forced to be content with hints and bits. But on Friday of Comic-Con, Gadot tweeted a tremendously awesome official poster for the film.

Not only does Diana Prince look sufficiently awesome with her sword and shield, and the color scheme looks amazing and very bright and warm–which is a pleasure following the drab color scheme of BvS–but we get the first glimpse of the tagline: “Power. Grace. Wisdom. Wonder.”

If there are four words that perfectly exemplify Wonder Woman throughout history, it’s those. I particularly enjoy that they’re showcasing that she’s not just strong, but graceful and wise as well. There’s a reason her superhero name has “wonder” in it, because she’s supposed to be awe-inspiring and hopeful. We’re definitely feeling good about the movie, directed by Patty Jenkins, which will be released on June 2, 2017.

Let us know what you think of the poster, and about the way the character is being portrayed thus far, in the comments below!

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Image: DC/Warner Bros

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor for Nerdist. Follow him on Twitter!

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