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New TV Shows We Want — Nay, Need! — to Be Excellent in 2015

Whether you loved this fall’s televised fare from the networks, cable companies, and beyond, there’s a heck of a lot more coming out in 2015. In fact, this year’s mid-season fare has a ton of shows we’re more excited about than that which came out in September (sorry, but it’s true!). And that doesn’t even take into consideration the returns of some of our favorites (like Parks and Recreation). Winter, you may have just become the new fall in terms of anticipatory premieres. Particularly when it comes to the non-drama fare.

So! With much happening across the myriad new platforms and networks alike, what are the series to which we’re most looking forward? Well, lots! But these particular 6 hold the most promise to us, based on what we’re hearing and have already seeing. So let’s dive in and let you know what to DVR, shall we? (OK!)

Agent Carter
I mean, hello! Right? It’s Peggy Carter, being badass and working with Howard Stark in the wake of seemingly losing her beau, Captain America. We’ve been craving something female-led from Marvel for awhile now and Hayley Atwell’s the perfect person to do that. Because, honestly, what must it have been like to be a woman working for the Strategic Scientific Reserve while also working for Howard Stark? Fascinating, that’s what — wading those waters could not have been easy. The only thing we’re not excited about? The fact that it’s a limited series. Premieres January 6th, 2015 on ABC.

We’ve actually been lucky enough to see the first four episodes of this HBO dramedy and we have to say: we really liked it. The biggest takeaway? Amanda Peet! Homegirl has some serious comedic chops that’s a style all her own. We saw it in Studio 60 (really) and A Lot Like Love but she’s really operating at her highest level as Tina Morris. She’s an on-edge emotional messball of a human, teetering somewhere between emotional manipulation and total naivete — mostly because of her insecurities — and it’s great. Add to that Mark Duplass and Melanie Lynskey and well? You’ve got some funny, slice-of-life comedy. It’s like the married version of You’re the Worst. So, you know: worth it! Premieres January 11th on HBO.

Better Call Saul
This show had us at “Saul Goodman.” And it certainly feels promising that AMC has renewed the as-yet-unaired series for a second season, so we’re going to go ahead and continue to stay excited about it. Bob Odenkirk’s shady lawyer was always a bright spot on Breaking Bad and to get a whole show dedicated just to him feels like a solid way to keep the magic of BB alive but in a new and different way. We’ve got high hopes for this one and really, really want it to be good. Please be good, Saul! PLEASE?! Premieres February 8th, 2015 on AMC.

Last Man on Earth
Will Forte. Phil Lord and Chris Miller. Need we say more? This futuristic comedy wherein Forte plays the last man on earth is such a fantastic concept we couldn’t possibly not anticipate it — particularly when you consider the other players involved. The Fox series takes places not soo far off into the future (2022), meaning it’ll be both relatable in its context but also unsettling in its humor since, well — 2022 is pretty soon. And since it’s Forte: there will be hi-jinks. There will be tomfoolery. There will be some existential crises, but not (probably) of the True Detective-ian nature. We’re so in it. Premieres March 1st, 2015 on FOX.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Tina Fey’s Ellie Kemper-fronted comedy, now coming to Netflix instead of NBC, shows a lot of promise — perhaps even more so now that it’s moved homes from an increasingly un-comedic (sad) broadcast network to Netflix. As someone who’s personally long been fascinated by cults and religious fervency in general, there’s plenty about that plucky Kimmy Schmidt that we’re anticipating. Now we just have to wait and see if it all comes to fruition! Premieres in March 2015 on Netflix.

Roll your eyes if you must but we JUST love musicals. Big, brash, silly musicals are especially fantastic, and it’s simply icing on the cake that Galavant happens to have a fairy tale-esque medieval storyline to boot. (Castles + musicals = !!!!) Plus, the pedigree behind it is wildly impressive. Alan Menken and Glenn Slater are writing the insane amount of music needed for the 8-week event and Dan Fogelman, writer of Tangled, has created and written the whole thing. If you don’t know those names, well: LOOK ‘EM UP! Menken and Slater are musical royalty. So, just so we’re clear: this is a fantasy musi-comedy with an impressive creative roster, solid stars, and even better guest stars (Weird Al! Ricky Gervais!), so I mean, it just HAS to be good, right? Premieres January 4th, 2015 on ABC.

What shows are you looking forward to in 2015? Leave ’em in the comments.

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  1. xero says:

    you forgot that they have said that Galavant might get a full series if the 8 episode run does well AND members of Monty python will be showing up thoughout

  2. rabdy says:

    🙁 I’d much rather see Y the Last Man than The Last Man on Earth

  3. Overlord says:

    The omission Daredevil and Jessica Jones from this list is crazy

  4. David says:

    Besides some of the shows listed Im excited about 12 Monkeys.  Hopefully it works as a show.

    • xero says:

      yea though it looks like they are cutting the more mind trip elements of the original which is a shame