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New TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT Scene Reveals an Unusual Transformation

We need to talk about the robot in this Transformers: The Last Knight scene, unveiled at the Kids’ Choice Awards.

No, not the walking tank above. The other one, who shows up at the end.

Watch the clip first. I’ll wait.

Ready? Okay, so…isn’t the entire point of Transformers that they are robots who can disguise themselves as vehicles? And not have to–for example–hide under a pile of rubble? Or…is that pile of rubble part of his body and disguise? Hasbro and Takara didn’t create the Rock Lords, which did exactly that, but they did buy up the rights to Gobots, of which the Rock Lords were a spin-off. And no, it’s unlikely that Rock Lords would be a movie spin-off on anybody’s mind, but producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura has been talking about creating a grand, unifying bible of every Transformers-related thing ever that can then be utilized by screenwriters, so it’s possible they flipped to that page.

We are way overthinking this. It is going to be a Michael Bay movie with awesome giant robots blowing stuff up. And in this clip, we meet costar Isabella Moner, playing a character named Izabella, a street kid who survives on the post-Transformers war-torn streets of Chicago. Also, a walking tank.

The official synopsis says “The Last Knight shatters the core myths of the Transformers franchise, and redefines what it means to be a hero.” Does this mean Autobots don’t wage their battle to/destory the e-/vil forces of/the Decepticons? We’ll find out June 23rd.

Are you Optimus-tic about the new movie? Roll out your comments below!

Image: Paramount

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