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New THE 100 Clip Has Octavia and Kane Team Up to Take Down Pike (Exclusive)

The situation inside Arkadia has officially gone too far on The 100.

Now that Pike (Michael Beach) has been voted in as the new Chancellor, the controversial, opinionated leader has made his views about Grounders decidedly clear: they all deserve to die. He and a small group of loyal followers—including Bellamy (Bob Morley)—just annihilated the peacekeeping Grounder army Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Carey) sent to help protect Arkadia from the Ice Nation. And Pike’s not even close to being done yet.

Nerdist has your exclusive first look at tonight’s game-changing episode, “Bitter Harvest,” in which Pike sends a group outside Arkadia’s walls, including Monty’s (Christopher Larkin) mother Hannah (Donna Yamamoto), to do … well, we’re not exactly sure. But it’s clearly something that can’t be good.

Thankfully, Octavia (Marie Avgeropoulos) and Kane (Henry Ian Cusick) have taken it upon themselves to keep Pike and his detail in check. Octavia—who escaped from Arkadia with Clarke (Eliza Taylor) in last week’s action-packed hour “Hakeldama”—has been tailing Pike’s crew ever since they left Arkadia, and giving reports on what they’re doing to Kane who’s stuck inside the walls of the camp. According to Octavia, all they’ve been doing is collecting soil and water samples. What is Pike planning? Whatever it is, it’s all being kept a secret seeing as how Hannah and the others are heavily armed for what should be a simple scouting mission.

The 100

Things quickly go south, however, when a Grounder kid stumbles upon Pike’s men, causing Hannah and Pike’s crew to attempt to kill him so he won’t tell his people he saw them outside Arkadia. Killing an innocent kid just because he saw you? Not cool, Skaikru!

But the action isn’t just going on outside Arkadia’s walls in “Bitter Harvest.” Elsewhere in the episode, Raven (Lindsey Morgan) joins Jaha (Isaiah Washington) in his crusade to have others join them in A.L.I.E.’s “City of Light,” and A.L.I.E. uses that to her advantage when she needs access to Arkadia’s computer systems. And, in Polis, Clarke and Lexa decide what to do next after agreeing to show mercy on Arkadia for what they did to the Grounder army, knowing that the rest of the clans won’t be as understanding to the new motto, “Blood must not have blood.” Is the Grounder coalition doomed?

Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image/video: The CW

The 100 airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.



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