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New STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT Game Making An Appearance At E3

We now know that a new hope for Star Wars gaming will emerge during this year’s E3, thanks to an EA investors conference call held earlier today. During the call, CEO Andrew Wilson responded to a question about the Star Wars games it has in development and was open to discussing the new Battlefront title.

Battlefront [is] coming along very well,”  he stated before further emphasizing that the Frostbite 3 engine would help to “drive innovation with high quality.” While there’s still “lots of work to go,” EA isn’t hesitating to show the highly anticipated game during E3.

We don’t know if we’ll receive a playable demo or another teaser video as of now, but this is still some of the most refreshing news on the game since it was teased during last year’s EA press conference.

This year, EA’s press conference is scheduled for Monday, June 9, and it can’t come fast enough. I’m excited to see how the game will turn out, especially since all future Star Wars releases, including games, will be considered canon. With that said, I’m even more interested in seeing whether the game will include cameos from the new Star Wars trilogy cast members.

Ecstatic to hear more about the new Battlefront title? Force push your excitement into the comments below.

HT: Game Spot via NeoGAF

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  1. Applesauce says:

    4 player split screen. That’s the only reason i still keep going back to battlfront II. But alas, I know it won’t happen.  I don’t care who they have to kill, but that is my request

  2. Brenden says:

    Imagine it like Battlefield 4…

  3. Now if only they’ll start developing for the Wii U again… </3 )’:

  4. Bill Lumberg says:

    This game and KOTOR basically dominated my life for 4 years. Cannot wait to see the new ideas for this. Jet Pack up and kill everyone.

  5. GeneralBlack says:

    I think that through Battlefield 4 they get to thoroughly test the Frostbite 3 engine and root out a lot of the bugs and issues. Personally I have had little to no trouble with BF4 that affects me in any bad way, and I expect Battlefront 3 to have even less bugs. It’s better that they use frostbite 3 instead of going for a frostbite 4 or something and rewrite the engine again. FB3 has improved a lot of things from FB2 I think, so I expect the most awesome Star Wars game experience yet! Though I have some concern about the “fix one code around, bring two more about” problem in programming, I have full confidence in DICE since they have been making awesome games for a decade and bugs and issues are often negligable for me and it seems to hit the users with less powerful hardware, mine is fully up to date so I’m ready for nerding Star Wars Battlefront 3 in all of it’s glory in the Frostbite 3 engine graphics! This will be wonderful <3

  6. Daniel says:

    Oh, it’s from EA? Are they gonna force the developers to release a Beta-quality game like they did with Battlefield 4?

    • Birky says:

      Yes, and will buy this also, then return to this site to complain more. The cycle of your whining will never end.  

  7. just so long as Storm Troopers get ‘aim assist’ AY OHHH!!!

  8. Daniel says:

    Well… I have tremendously huge expectations for this game… The two first games were amazing, I still play the second one sometimes, even as outdated as it is…

    My only fears are about the engine… Yeah, Frostbite 3 is amazing and can give you beautiful environments with interactive and destructible terrain… true… But let’s not forget how bugged and broken Battlefield 4 STILL is, half a year after release…
    Well, let’s hope they have learned their lesson!
    Can’t wait for more news

  9. ScreamFace says:

    I will be exciting when EA shows that DICE can deliver a working game on the Frostbite 3 engine.

    Despite all the claims they were going to fix the problems, the game is still incredibly buggy. Simple bugs and glitches with maps remain unfixed after months. The game still suffers from an immense range of ‘netcode’ problems which make it’s core function as an online shooter well below standard.

    Do I want to buy another game with horrible lag just because it’s Star Wars? I think not.