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New HOMESTAR RUNNER Halloween Toon: “The House That Gave Sucky Tricks”

Evweybody, wisten up. There is a whole new Homestar Runner Halloween cartoon and it might just give you the jibblies.

Titled “The House That Gave Sucky Tricks,” a callback to their 2001 Halloween cartoon  “The House That Gave Sucky Treats,” this year’s cartoon starts at the worst haunted house ever, thrown of course by Homestar.

Being underwhelmed by the “Room of Scary Shoes,” Strong Bad imagines what things would be like if he had his own “St. Cadaverstump’s (totally not just an old furniture warehouse) Morgue-tuary.” His perfect horror house starts with a horrifying picture of somebody’s dad. “Why is he wearing cycling gear! He’s not even that serious about riding!”

The terrifying mind of Strong Bad then imagines “such horrible creations such as The Gross Out Room” and the “2-Star Bed-and-Breakfast!”

I don’t want to ruin all of the surprises, but Strong Bad may have created the next great horror film psycho-killer. Large Bean! (Well, maybe not, but that is definitely going to be someone’s Halloween costume next year.)

Speaking of costumes, since I just spent way too much time picking the best Halloween costume from every Homestar Halloween cartoon, I’ll just say that my initial reaction is that King of Town wins another one, going as the Mashed Potatoes Devil’s Tower from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The Cheat’s Fudgie the Whale takes the silver. Ask me tomorrow, though, and I might give the win to Coach Z’s for the many faces of Andre 3000.

So what do you think of this year’s Halloween cartoon? Which costume is your favorite? Sewiously you guys, tell us your thoughts in the comments below.


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