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New GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 Trailer Tease, and More Movie News!

New GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 Trailer Tease, and More Movie News!

Who wants a preview of the new footage from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 that will premiere tonight on Jimmy Kimmel Live!? Good, then you’ve come to the right place. In addition to our latest look at Peter Quill and co., today’s Movie Morsels also has a new Power Rangers TV spot, Ghost in the Shell motion posters, and a whole lot more.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

I’m sure The Last Jedi will be a fine film and all, but I have to be completely honest with you folks. There’s no space adventure I’m looking forward to more this year than Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, the latest trailer for which indeed lands tonight on Jimmy Kimmel Live! But just in case you can’t wait that long, or don’t want to stay up past your bedtime, we’ve got a sweet snippet of its goodness in a new video tease that dropped yesterday featuring your favorite space scamps…


Power Rangers

The new Power Rangers reboot certainly looks like it’s taking its cue, at least visually, from some of today’s other super-tech-oriented franchises. In fact, if you watch the film’s new TV spot without any sound, it looks a little like some kind of alternate reality hybrid of Iron Man and Transformers, albeit with protagonists I’ve never seen before…


Godzilla: King of the Monsters

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Man, Vera Farmiga certainly loves her horror, doesn’t she? Joshua, Orphan, Bates Motel, the Conjuring movies… Has the actress ever not welcomed a shiver? In her next fright film vehicle, however, Farmiga will be setting her sights a little higher — literally. Yes, she’s just secured a role in Godzilla: King of the Monsters. In the Michael Dougherty-directed sequel, Farmiga will play the mom of Millie Bobby Brown’s character, opposite Kyle Chandler as Brown’s dad.


Ghost in the Shell

This just might be a Movie Morsels record–we have no less than a whopping eight character motion posters from the Ghost in the Shell adaptation today. So if you aren’t already familiar with this film’s cast, prepare to meet Scarlett Johansson’s Major, Beat Takeshi Kitano’s Daisuke Aramaki, Pilou Asbæk’s Batou, and all the other members of elite task force Section 9…


Bill Paxton


We’re still recovering from the loss of beloved actor Bill Paxton here at Movie Morsels. (I was fortunate enough to meet him once at Comic-Con, and he was terrifically humble and gracious.) We’re grateful to our colleagues at Nerdist News for putting together this heartfelt tribute to his legacy.


Kong: Skull Island

Kong Skull Island 6

Finally today, in case you missed it yesterday, the latest trailer for Kong: Skull Island is an amazing ape-filled epic of awesomeness.


[Editor’s note: Nerdist is a subsidiary of Legendary Digital Networks]

What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below!

Featured Image: Marvel/Disney

Images: A&e, Warner Bros.

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