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The New GHOSTBUSTERS Are Getting Their Own Funko POP! Line

When there’s some still space
On your desk for toys
Who you gonna call?
Funko Ghostbusters!

…no? Too much? Okay, fine, you’re right, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong to be excited over Funko‘s announcement that the newest ghost fighting foursome will be getting their own line of Pop! figures this June. Especially when they look freaking great.

Leslie-Jones-Funko-GhostbustersBesides each of the four main characters, Kristen Wiig‘s Erin Gilbert, Leslie Jones‘ Patty Tolan, Melissa McCarthy‘s Abby Yates, and Kate McKinnon‘s Jillian Holtzmann (my favorite in the trailers and my favorite figure here), there is also Chris Hemsworth‘s secretary Kevin, the ghost that spits slime on Wiig’s character in the trailer (who we learned is named Gertrude Eldridge), and the big bad of the film, Rowan’s Ghost, who has an uncanny likeness to the classic specter from the Ghostbusters logo.

ghostbusters-funko-ghostThat lineup matches up well with what we have seen from footage of the movie, or in the case of Rowan’s Ghost have heard about it (you can read more about Rowan here).

You can see the rest of the new figures in our gallery below.

It would not surprise us if there are many more figures to come, even if they are just variations of the four Ghostbusters in different attire from the film. Maybe like Melissa McCarthy wearing the weird headgear, or literally everything Kate McKinnon has on in the film.

While these might be available this June, the latest incarnation of the Ghostbusters, directed by Paul Feig, heads to theaters July 15, 2016.

Which figure in this series is your favorite? We want you to call on our comments section below to let us know, and don’t miss our breakdown of the first Ghostbusters trailer!

Images: Funko


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