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New Childish Gambino Track! “Eat Your Vegetables”

Donald Glover JUST released this new song called, “Eat Your Vegetables.”

Now nerds, at first listen you might ask yourself “WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS BEAT BEFORE? The answer is…

Yes, our favorite rapper just did his thing over the score of the Donkey Kong underwater levels.

Special thanks to my friend Abel for pointing this out to me at 8am.

HT: Rapdose, Prefix

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  1. Amy says:

    Childish Gambino is the best. I love his tracks! It’s like adult storytime! 🙂

  2. Dave says:

    Love me some CG.

  3. MrShore says:

    C H I L D is the ISH

  4. Julia Hays says:

    Childish Gambino’s fantastic! Love this!

  5. I suspected, upon seeing the title, that this was going to be based on a sample from a different water level. Namely the one in “Commander Keen 4: Goodbye Galaxy part 1 – Secret of the Oracle”. Specifically because that piece of music (by Bobby Prince) was actually called “Eat Your Vegetables” due to it being a left-over from the previous spin-off game “Keen Dreams”, which had a vegetable-related plot.
    So when I clicked the link, imagine my surprise when I found out it was indeed from a water level, only from a different 1990s platformer. What are the odds, eh? Pretty steep, unless it was an intentional reference, but something tells me not all nerdy rappers grew up playing MS-DOS games like I did.

  6. KC says:

    I really dig this. Gambino does ASAP Rocky, Trillwave style rap surprisingly well for someone known for his energy and emphatic delivery. Nice to see him branch out.

  7. NOSTALGIA. And holy shit that track is dope.

  8. Livius says:

    I think I’m going to go play some Donkey Kong now.
    The song was great, love his flow.

  9. SICK!!!! Muchos Gracias!

  10. Stan Jackson says:

    Nerdy + Hip Hop = Dopeness!

  11. Lina Burghard says:

    This is why Childish Gambino speaks to me. Fresh rhymes and dope nerd beats!