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New ALIEN COVENANT Trailer Reveals Its Creatures

Okay, Fox…NOW I’m excited to see Alien Covenant. You’ve got me hooked.

The xenomorph(s) running amok in a confined space was a formula the original “quadrilogy” (tetralogy if we’re being sticklers) did to perfection, but to take the series further, it needs to open up. Here we see them unleashed on a Prometheus-like planet that has obviously been seeded by either the Engineers or David the robot’s severed head, with crops suitable for human consumption… or so we think.

Add to that the premise that this crew is all comprised of couples, and you’re dealing with even more reluctance to lock people in fatal airlocks or shoot them when they start chest-bursting. But mostly, you’re dealing with aliens, and there appear to be at least two types–a pigment-free, pale dog-like alien that moves extremely fast, and a “Big Chap” who’s a lot like the classic design, but considerably more agile now that he/she/it doesn’t have to be portrayed by a man-in-a-suit at all times.


How Noomi Rapace, the aforementioned David head, and the Engineers will figure into all this is anybody’s guess, but we do know they are involved somehow. Whatever this new trailer does in fact reveal, it is not yet giving up all the secrets. Except one: you can take the humor out of Danny McBride, but you’ll have to pry that cowboy hat from his cold, dead cranium. Which odds are about 50-50 in favor of happening, based on what we see here.

Are you ready for more Alien action? Chew on the footage above and burst out a comment below!

Image: 20th Century Fox



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