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Episode 179: Nerdist Writers Panel

Nerdist Writers Panel #179: ARCHER

Executive producer Matt Thompson and co-producer Casey Willis, both of whom have been with show creator Adam Reed since Sealab 2021 and Frisky Dingo, discuss how Archer is written and produced, the increasing quality of the animation, working with FX, working from Atlanta, Georgia, the “Archer Vice” detour, and what’s planned for season 6, currently on air.

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  1. ericmci says:

    Spending a ton of money on the animation for a show like Archer is a waste.  It’s not necessary for it to be super fluid.  The appeal is the static art style- the writing and voice work.  Spending yourself out of budge is just making it more difficult to get to that ten year mark.It’s like doing your whole house in marble just because you can.
    I thought this was a show about writers – next time have the Writer for Archer come on the show.

  2. Arabrabbra says:

    I LITERALLY – wait – yes LITERALLY heart Archer so hard!