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How to Get One of FALLOUT 4’s Best Weapons the Cheap Way

How ironic is it that Fallout 4, a game that’s set in the post-apocalypse, can clear the streets as if the world has ended. After all, this is the game that brought Pornhub to its knees. With everyone seeminglyh attached to their couches while playing, I wouldn’t be surprised if you heard your own echo when yelling while outside. People take their Fallout 4 seriously. The game has been out in the world for only a week and there’s already tons of mods, glitches, and strategies being shared throughout the internet. Those players who have plunged head first into the Wasteland without coming up for air, you may have missed out on a certain exploit that gets you one of the game’s coolest weapons, the Cryolator (no pun intended). Normally, this particular piece of high-tech weaponry is sitting behind a Master-level lock. Luckily, we’ve got you covered, and we’ll show you how to take what’s rightfully yours.

This week on Nerdist Play, we’re switching things up and trying this wild glitch out for ourselves. Keep in mind, cheating is absolutely something that we do not recommend, although it is far less harmful in a contained single-player experience. That said, this is an easy way to bypass a little bit of the grinding Fallout 4 requires for you to obtain this gun. Either way, use this exploit at your own discretion. There’s something to be said for grinding it out to level 20 until you can pick Master-level locks. But there’s also something to be said for taking what’s yours right now.

Is the Cryolator on of the cooler guns you’ve seen in the game? What is your favorite weapon in Fallout 4 thus far? Drop your thoughts like a nuke into the comments below.

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