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WTFALLOUT 4 Day: The 6 Funniest Glitches So Far

It’s here! Oh, good god, it’s finally here! Fallout 4 was released to the public today, and with it comes the loss of our social lives, free time, and sleep. (So much lost sleep.) Now that you’ve entered into a committed relationship with the newest release from Bethesda, it’s time to find out all of your new beau’s flaws. Yeah, that’s right: we’re talking glitches! No expansive open-world release could ever be completely free of glitches, so much so they’ve become an aspect of gaming we’ve grown to love. Animals suspended in mid-air? A dead body twitching somewhere between aboveground and belowground? A main character swiveling on an axis with grace and style to rival the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson? We wouldn’t have it any other way. So as you search the dilapidated shell of a city that used to be known as Boston for your lost family, shooting ghouls and exploring abandoned baseball stadiums, keep your eyes peeled for anything that seems askew, at least more askew than it should be in a post-nuclear wasteland.

After one day of wandering around the wasteland, join Jessica Chobot (decked out in her jumpsuit and Pip-Boy) as we run down the list of our favorite glitches we’ve seen so far, on today’s Nerdist News.

Thanks for watching today’s episode! Be sure to check out the latest episode of Nerdist: Play, where Malik discusses whether or not Fallout 4’s graphics are a dealbreaker. Let us know in the comments if you’ve seen any weird glitches we missed!

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