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Nerdist News

Nerdist News w/ Kevin Pereira & a Real Wolverine Healing Factor!

Hey there, friends, and welcome to a very special edition of Nerdist News with our special guest host Kevin Pereira!

We’re starting things off nice and smooth today with a look at the debut trailer for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number and a preview of our review of Wolf Among Us Episode 3: A Crooked Mile. Next up, we’ll tell you who just signed on to officially write and direct the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man spin-off Sinister Six. And finally, we’re filling you in on a crazy new bit of science that may just allow us to have a healing factor to rival Wolverine himself! Is that really a for real thing you can do soon? You’ll have to watch today’s episode to find out!

Enjoy, and be sure to come back tomorrow to see yet another special guest host: none other than Mr. Jessica Chobot himself, Blair Herter! And let us know in the comments below: who do you hope to see join the roster of Sinister Six?

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What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

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  1. Sam says:

    More Kevin Pereira please!!!!

  2. GDavis says:

    Hire that man!! Looooove KP

  3. Henrik says:

    Seriously, Jessica, you have let yourself go, girl.

  4. Dean says:

    People need to watch KP’s Pointless Podcast if they want more of him. It is Awesome.

  5. shenanigans8288 says:


  6. Qcjoe says:


  7. Carrie says:

    Are you implying that he should replace Lettermen when he retires. Cause that could kick Fallon ass. AOTS resurrected for Nerdist would be nice. Just leave Olivia Munn out of it, she became a total bitch when she sold-out to do drama.

  8. Matt Crelley says:

    So awesome to see KP back in action 😀

  9. Christopher Deadman says:

    You have NO IDEA how happy seeing K Per hosting makes me. Kev you are MEANT TO DO THIS. NBC needs to ditch Seth Meyers cause “Late Night with Kevin Pereira” would be SOOOOO much better and funnier. I’ve been saying this since I first saw “Attack of the show” in 2008. Hardwick PLEEEASE get the AOTS band back together even if just for a few specials and if so I promise not to get so angry when Chloe is on the podcast intros 😛 .