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Nerdist Special Reports

Nerdist News Talks to the Cast and Director of “Wreck-It Ralph”

Nerdist News’ Dan Casey gets all the cool assignments, and today we get to see his chats with John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jane Lynch, Jack McBrayer and director Rich Moore about Wreck-It Ralph, which at this writing I haven’t yet seen but we know Dan loved it because the TV commercial for the movie includes a quote from a previous article he wrote about it, “Shut up and take my quarters!” There’s a joke I could do with that, but I’ll just leave it be. Anyway, enjoy Dan’s interviews, go back and read Luke’s interview with John C. Reilly posted earlier today, then go see the movie. I might see you there tonight.

Subscribe to the Nerdist Channel and watch Dan talk to all the cool kids.

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