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NERDIST NEWS: DOCTOR WHO Week, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, and Win an Xbox One!

Got a case of the Mondays? Let the dulcet tones of Nerdist News wash the malaise away with another exciting, action-packed smorgasbord of pop cultural goodness. It’s Doctor Who Week on Nerdist, so we’re going to be bringing you the latest and greatest Whovian delights all week long.

Today’s top stories cover everything from AMC’s Preacher pilot to the new Need for Speed trailer to the impending Viking apocalypse and more. Plus, I go all the way to London to ask your Twitter questions to Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in honor of The World’s End coming out on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital HD. What more could you ask for? An Xbox One? We’ll get to that…

Did you see Jess’s question? Good! To enter to win the Xbox One, answer Jessica Chobot’s question from the episode in the comments below with a valid email address. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google + for more chances for bonus entries. You can enter once per episode. Stay tuned for Monday’s next opportunity to enter.

The contest is only open to US residents and you have until noon on Thursday, Nov. 21st to enter.  Complete rules are available here. The winner will be announced on Nerdist News on Friday Nov. 22nd.
Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap





  1. JPO says:

    Gotta go with Fable.

  2. Victor Montgomery, Jr says:

    I can’t wait for the new Assassins Creed and Dead Rising, And MARVEL SUPER HEROES!! 🙂

  3. TaketheWheel says:

    Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee.

  4. Redisnotaflavor says:

    Alien Hominid.

  5. ARC says:

    A remake of Fable and Halo 2 on Xbox One.

  6. fangy says:

    Halo 2 on Xbox One please.

  7. Charles says:

    I’d like to see an HD remake of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I have the original Xbox port, but it would be nice to see an updated remake of it, akin to what they did for Ducktales.

  8. Kamair says:

    I would love to play a new and improved jet set radio future <3.

  9. fgyn says:

    It would be good to revisit super hi-def Fable on Xbox One.

  10. Daniella says:

    Crimson Skies!

  11. Matt Sharpe says:

    I know they’re working on Minecraft, but I’d like to see any of the fable games on xbox one.

  12. Jessica Salisbury says:

    Hear my cries when I shout over the internets that they need to bring back VIVA PINATA!!! Please Microsoft/Rare do that voodoo that you do so well.

  13. pac says:

    Gonna go with some classic Red Alert

  14. Joseph says:

    A classic Xbox game I would like to see on Xbox One would be Unreal Championship.

  15. XSZ says:

    Mechassault 1 (not 2), Otogi: 1 and 2

  16. Chris LeMeilleur says:

    I’m sure I’m not the first one to say this, but it would be awesome if Double Fine gave us an XBox One native version of Psychonauts. You know, before the sequel finally arrives!

  17. EagleB says:

    I would pretty much take any excuse to play Mass Effect again. If they made an updated version for Xbox One I would definitely play it.

  18. dPPd says:

    I hope they finish with the Fable remake and release it for Xbox One.

  19. William Cooley says:

    I really want to see Halo 2 on the xbox one

  20. Luis says:

    DOOM 3!

  21. Patrick says:

    Silent Hill 2

  22. Eric says:

    GTA: Vice City HD

  23. atat says:

    Hmm. I’d like to play the classic Frogger using the Kinect sensor. Swatting stuff with my hands and yelling at the top of my lungs to make frogger jump sounds cool.