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Nerdist News

NERDIST NEWS: DOCTOR WHO, Monty Python, and Xbox One vs. PS4

What a banner week for news, huh, guys? The Xbox One has finally arrived! Telltale is making a Game of Thrones game! The Doctor Who 50th anniversary is nearly upon us! With Kyle Anderson’s “Companions’ Companion” series finally coming to a close, it was only natural that we sent him to London to talk to Steven Moffat, Matt Smith, and more. No one expected the Spanish Inquisition just as no one expected Monty Python to reunite on stage. Fortunately for you, we’ve got the latest. Sit down, grab a frosty mug of whatever the hell it is you’re drinking, and strap in because Nerdist News starts right now.

The console wars are in full effect now with the launch of Microsoft’s Xbox One, but many consumers still find themselves torn over which one to buy. Fortunately for you, we have a brand new segment called The DLC in which Jessica Chobot and yours truly sit down to hash it out over how each console’s launch went, evaluate the systems’ pros and cons, and to help you on your console consumerquest.

Did you pick up a new console? Which one? Tell us all about it, and chime in about today’s other top stories, in the comments below or hit us up on Twitter!

The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)



  1. Sensorymango says:

    Loved the DLC section until the guy said ” Just buy what your friends have.” C’mon. You spent the other half of the video saying you should research it.

  2. Eric says:

    Jessica Chobot, you’re either an excellent actor or having an inordinate amount of fun at work. Which explains why, as the universe seeks balance, the rest of hate our jobs so much…

  3. The Big D says:

    The crunching sounds are totally normal. The Xbox One utilizes a revolutionary new installing technology in which the Xbox actually chews up and eats your disc, slowly digesting the information contained within. Be sure to follow some more pro tips to ensure your console runs smoothly, like keeping it hydrated with the recommended 8oz of water after each disc. Oh, and NEVER feed it after midnight. Hope this helps.

  4. Anthony says:

    Waiting till everybody else shakes out the bugs from the new consoles before I buy. BTW, don’t need no cash and prizes for me to comment….wait..somebody’s at the door. OMG, it could be J-Bot to give me may grand prize, you guys….oh, just some J-Witnesses. Nevermind.