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Neill Blomkamp’s ALIEN 5 Concept Art Teases a Character Return

In space, no one can hear you scream…for joy! Today is officially Alien Day, as recognized by fans of the franchise and 20th Century Fox. And while Neill Blomkamp‘s Alien 5 is currently on hold, that didn’t stop him from celebrating Alien Day by releasing previously unseen concept art from his dream project. Now, this art could be considered a spoiler, but there’s no guarantee that we’re gonna see Alien 5 any time in the near future. Either way, you’ve been warned!

On his Instagram account, Blomkamp posted the following image of a grown up Newt, the little girl who was saved by Ripley all the way back in Aliens.

Alien day

A photo posted by Brownsnout (@neillblomkamp) on

As noted by CinemaBlend, Blomkamp has previously indicated that his Alien movie wouldn’t ignore Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection. And yet it would have to, because Newt and Hicks were seemingly killed off in Alien 3. CinemaBlend also helpfully pointed out that the concept art looks a lot like Carrie Henn, the actress who played Newt in Aliens. And we have to say that we agree, and approve of this if it means getting the original cast of Aliens back together for  a new timeline.

At the moment, Alien 5 isn’t moving forward because Ridley Scott is doing a new Alien prequel trilogy starting with Alien: Covenant. It’s anyone’s guess when or if we’ll finally see Alien 5 come together.

What did you think about the new Alien 5 concept art? Lock and load, then leave a comment below!

Featured Image: 20th Century Fox

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