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Natalie Portman (in a Wig) and Sia Sang “Iko Iko” THE TONIGHT SHOW

Not everything that exists needs a reason to exist. Sometimes things just “are,” without logic or reason or explanation. Unfrosted Mini Wheats, for example. Unlike that abomination of a breakfast cereal, though, this video of Jimmy Fallon, Natalie Portman, Sia, and The Roots singing the classic song “Iko Iko,” all while wearing Sia wigs and playing with anything that can produce sound, is something you will actually enjoy.

The eclectic group got together for The Tonight Show to play some instruments (and some “instruments”) and have some fun. The result was an Oreo cookie-esque jam that would normally only occur at a very strange summer camp.

They were also nice enough to provide us with the breakdown for the song, in case you and your friends feel like playing it yourselves.

  • Sia – vocals
  • Jimmy – spoons
  • Natalie – blocks
  • Questlove – kick drum, wood block
  • Kamal – conga drums
  • Frank Knuckles – plastic paint bucket
  • Mark Kelley – cups
  • Tuba Gooding Jr. – guiro
  • James Poyser – deck of cards
  • Captain Kirk – cue ball and 8 ball
  • Black Thought – maracas

Nothing like a good deck of cards solo.

It’s not unusual for Sia to perform live while other people dance around her; I wonder if Portman considered reviving her Black Swan character. Aesthetically, that’d have fit in perfectly here.

Whenever I see something this inexplicably strange I try to imagine where the idea came from. But when it comes to the weird things Fallon gets his celebrity guests to do I’m always more intrigued by how exactly he convinced them to get on board.

I guess “It’ll be so great! We’ll all be wearing Sia wigs and sing ‘Iko Iko’!” did the trick this time.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen Fallon get a guest to do? Tell us below in the comments.

HT: Vulture
Image: NBC/YouTube

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