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The Doubleclicks Covered the MST3K Theme with a Cat Keyboard (Premiere)

The Doubleclicks Covered the MST3K Theme with a Cat Keyboard (Premiere)

In the “not-too-distant future” that Mystery Science Theater 3000 has imagined for itself, they probably would not have guessed they would have become such a beloved cult phenomenon that a duo of nerdy sisters would be compelled to cover the show’s theme on a Cheshire Cat keyboard. But, as MST3K always implied, the future is only as weird and cool as we make it. So in order to celebrate the return of the show on Netflix Angela Webber and Aubrey Turner, the creative sisters known as the Doubleclicks, have revisited the classic theme in only the way that they can.

The cover of the MST3K theme song is the precise sort of excellent weirdness that Joel Hodgson’s character would have loved to watch in between film viewings. Can’t you just imagine Crow, Tom Servo, and the rest of the gang making meta jokes about the cover and actually, in turn, making fun of themselves? Its extremely easy to envision, especially in frames where Turner has super-imposed herself on the famous screen as she is playing her cello. The homage is pretty faithful and the duo even nail the famous guitar chord that ends theme song, something that has apparently been stuck in either sister’s head for 20 years.

“We’ve been big MST3K fans since childhood, and we’re so excited it’s back!” Webber explained via email. “There are a bunch of amazing songs throughout MST3K‘s history, but we wanted to cover the classic—the theme song and the credits music reprise, with some much-needed cat keyboard. That last guitar chord has been playing in my head since youth, and I gotta say it was really rad to get to play it myself!”

What do you think of the cover? Are you already googling where to buy that cat keyboard? Let us know on Twitter.

Image: Doubleclicks, Shout! Factory

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