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How Tortuous is Writing an MST3K Episode?

How Tortuous is Writing an MST3K Episode?

By now, you’ve probably blown through all 14 new episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Netflix, experiencing the whole new experiments in horrible movies right along with Jonah Heston (Jonah Ray) and his robot friends, Crow (Hampton Yount), Tom Servo (Baron Vaughn), and Gypsy (Rebecca Hanson). Or have you been taking it easy, watching an episode every night or couple nights–like I have been, to my shame–so as to stretch out the glory of new MST3K for as long as possible? Either way you go, it’s clear a ton of work went into each and every new episode, and the crew talked about it on Alpha’s Mothership!

On the April 13 episode of Mothership–which airs every Thursday at 5:30pm PST on Project Alpha, don’t ya know–hosts Jessica Chobot and Hector Navarro sat down with Ray, Vaughn, and creator-director-legend Joel Hodgson to talk about the arduous writing process that went into writing all of the riffs. In the above clip, it’s revealed that at least two viewings of the movie would have to take place to ensure proper joking, because often the first pass would just be in awe of how stupid and dumb these bad movies really are.

MST3K Baron Fondeling

Some of the movies in this new season are, admittedly, favorites of mine long before any MST3K-ing went on, specifically StarCrash, of which I can’t get enough, and At the Earth’s Core. But also, I TOTALLY understand finding them unwatchable. They are not good movies, but, as with most of the movies under the gun, they’re also kind of great. The riffs and bots just make them better!

What do you think? Could you undergo the herculean task of writing jokes about such films? What’s your fave new Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode? Let us know in the comments below!



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