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My Humps

This is exactly how I sound when I make the love to female women-people.

And then the crying. Always the crying.

Blind Competitor Plays Magic: The Gathering with Ingenious Use of Braille

Blind Competitor Plays Magic: The Gathering with Ingenious Use of Braille

Waxwork Releasing 3 Dario Argento Soundtracks

Waxwork Releasing 3 Dario Argento Soundtracks

Interview: Alex Winter on DEEP WEB, Silk Road, and The Trial of Ross Ulbricht

Interview: Alex Winter on DEEP WEB, Silk Road, and The Trial of Ross Ulbricht



  1. Geekthecomptroller says:


    I thought the same thing. It seemed like the sound an ’emotionally’ exhausted and scared animal might make. Funny, kind of still. It’s like seeing a bear ride a bike. “wow, amazing” oh wait, it probably got the shit kicked out of it. Not so fun anymore.

  2. ct says:

    do u tie women down in the back of a pick up, too?
    kinda sad the way that baby is all tied up calling for it’s mother while being teased

  3. LOVE THIS. My 4yr old kept asking me to replay it. Very funny. As for the crying, at least you don’t run to the shower saying the Our Father while you wash the dirty sex off of you.

  4. Pia says:

    “This is exactly how I sound when I make the love to female women-people.”

    I can only Imagine. o_O

  5. Rob Shumaker says:

    I lol’d….hilarious!

  6. tina says:

    lol! I think I saw this on AOTS buuuut still serious funny 😀