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Music Geek Track of the Day: ‘U Don’t Understand’ by Wildarms

Music Geek track of the whaaa? Yup, that’s correct — starting right now, Music Geek Track of the Week has officially animorphed into a daily feature so that we can start recommending as many good jams as possible all week long. The tracks will range from new things we are bumping around the office, vintage R&B songs that Dan Casey has been singing in the shower, surf rock, hip-hop, and all the genres in between.

To kick off Music Geek Track of the Day, I wanted to post one of my favorite songs of the past few months: Wildarms‘ “U Don’t Understand”. Wildarms — a/k/a Duncan Cooper — is a Brooklyn-based writer/musician whose sample-infused pop sounds like the platonic ideal for video game soundtracks circa the late Game Cube era.

There are three distinct movements in the song as it dovetails impressively from an industrial thump to clipped vocals and dreamy melodies, and then finally to the melancholy titular refrain. It progresses like a subway commute beginning deep underground, emerging for the last moments of sunshine before the sky becomes overcast and ashen. Jam out below, and check out Wildarms’ recent country mix for Yours Truly.

See y’all tomorrow!

wildarms – U Don’t Understand from Hologram Fields on Vimeo.

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