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Music Geek Track of the Day: The Very Best’s Video For ‘Let Go’ Is A DIY 8-Bit Paradise

The Very Best are Swedish-Malawian duo, comprised of members Johan Hugo and Esau Mwamwaya, who make extremely catchy and accessible “global” pop music embedded with positive political messages. Recording this album a few hours outside the capital of Malawi in a a fairly remote town called M’dala Chikowa, the band thought it was imperative to make music that shed light on some the social issues and poverty that plague Malawe. The result was a group of diverse songs that sounds like conscientious dance pop.

For the ebullient “Let Go”, the band worked with pixel bead artist, Pappas Parlor who made cute 8-bit versions of Hugo and Mwamwaya as well as back drops that resembled both Sweden and Malawi. The two run through the pixelated platform game, dodging sundry obstacles, jumping on hippos, and break dancing until they reach the end of the level where Chris Baio (Vampire Weekend) and Freddie Cowan (The Vaccines) are waiting to jam out with them.

If you are into The Very Best, their LP Makes A King will be released April 7 on Moshi Moshi Records.

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