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Twitch Plays FALLOUT 3 Is Going How You’d Expect It to

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As of the writing of this, a little over 1,100 people are watching as Twitch Plays Fallout 3 stares at the PipBoy and an alarm blares in the background. What a time to be alive. Yes, it seems that someone has decided the best way to prepare for the release of Fallout 4 is to give the internet control over a crowd-sourced playthrough of Fallout 3 on Twitch, but whoever is in charge of this playthrough doesn’t seem to have it worked out too well. Those interested in seeing how much progress has, or hasn’t been made in the game is welcome to join the fun over on the Twitch channel for the game. So far, though, it seems that none of the Twitch Plays… games have really met the icon status seen by Twitch Plays Pokemon.

If you haven’t been privy to the internet or the world of Twitch before, Twitch Plays Pokemon was a break-through experiment in interactivity on the Twitch streaming network. By allowing viewers to control what happened in the game through the use of an algorithm, certain letters or phrases typed into the chat for the stream would control the game being played. The channel ran through numerous version of the Pokemon games and gained a lot of attention over the last year or two.

The truth is, the reason Twitch Play Pokemon worked was the simplistic controls of the game. A game built for a Gameboy, that only had two buttons and a d-pad, meant controlling the game through command prompts in the chat was easy. To have games like Fallout 3 or Dark Souls, titles that require more intricate movement and interactions, makes for a dull and frustrating experience for everyone involved so far. Ah, it seems by the time of making it to this paragraph, the PipBoy has been put away and our hero is now continuously trying to strafe right into a couch.

Have you been staring at this too? Let us know in the comments below!

HT – Polygon

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