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Movie Morsels: First Look at X-MEN: APOCALYPSE’s Ship, CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Update, GREEN LANTERN Rumors

Another three-day weekend has come and gone, but we’ll try to make the wait for the next one just a little less agonizing with today’s superhero-centric Movie Morsels. With art from the next X-Men movie, an update on the third Wolverine solo film and Captain America: Civil War, an intriguing Justice League roster clue, and more, there’s a little something for everyone!

X-Men: Apocalypse

Bryan Singer is definitely keeping X-Men fans in the loop regarding his upcoming fourth X-Men film, X-Men: Apocalypse. Following up on his recent release of preliminary set photos, Singer has unveiled a piece of production art from designer Grant Major via Instagram. The art in question appears to be Wolverine standing in front of Apocalypse’s sentient spacecraft “Ship.”

Some production art. #XmenApocalypse #GrantMajor I was a little busy but will continue to snap more.

A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on

X-Men: Apocalypse arrives on May 26, 2016.

[Comic Book Resources]

Wolverine 3



In other X-Men-related movie news, Hugh Jackman has announced he’d love to see the mutant team battle the Avengers on screen one day…

“I like to think there’s that possibility for all of it, and I would even like to think more that it doesn’t happen out of necessity, y’know, when someone’s run it into the ground or something. I optimistically love the idea of, ‘What the hell, Batman versus Iron Man versus Wolverine!’ Let’s just chuck ‘em in… We’ll see what happens, but maybe as these things go on more and more they’ll want to and need to do all that stuff. I’m optimistic, I’d think it’d be great, but hey, it’s not my billions of dollars behind this promise. It’s easy for us to speculate.”

Th actor also stated that director James Mangold’s plans are coming together nicely for Jackman’s third Wolverine solo film, which like The Wolverine, will take its cue from Marvel comic book stories…

“It does draw on some comic-book stuff. There are some things, but in typical fashion sort of one main one with a few bits here and there and then opening it up… Jim and I, we’ve been talking about it, he has a treatment. But I mean, we’re a way out from it so we’re in really good shape with it. I’m really, really excited about it.”

[Games Radar]

Captain America: Civil War

Iron Man FI

Tony Stark will apparently have some new ideas about being a superhero after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron — ideas he’ll carry with him into directors Joe and Anthony Russo’s Captain America: Civil War. Robert Downey Jr. explained to Empire what exactly that means:

“The main thing to me is, and this is where I think the Russos are quite brilliant and where Kevin [Feige] backed the play, is what sort of incident could occur and what sort of framework could we find Tony in? The clues are in Ultron about where we might find (Tony) next. But what would it take for Tony to completely turn around everything he’s stood for, quote-unquote, because he was the right-wing guy who could still do his own thing… There’s always the bigger overarching question, that Joss brings up all the time – it’s kind of weird that these guys would have all these throw downs all over planet Earth and it looked like a little collateral damage happened over there, and yet when the movie’s over, it’s like nobody minds. You have to figure, ‘Were you to ask the question, what would the American government do if this were real? Wouldn’t it be interesting to see Tony doing something you wouldn’t imagine?’”

Regarding whether or not Stark will be Captain America: Civil War‘s antagonist, Downey remarked..

“I wouldn’t put it that way. Ultimately it’s Steve’s story; it doesn’t say ‘Iron Man 4: Civil War’. I think that’s great too. I think Chris [Evans] has been hungry to bring even more of an underside and some shadow to that. I remember the comics — on the surface you got the sense that Cap was baseball and apple pie, but underneath there was all this churning stuff of being a man out of time. Now we know he’s made his peace with that. What’s the bigger issue? It can have a little something to do with the past, but it can be about someone becoming more modernized in their own conflict.”

[Coming Soon]

Justice League

John Stewart

We have another clue that DC is planning to use the John Stewart Green Lantern in some capacity in its cinematic universe, either in the Justice League movie or in another Green Lantern solo film. While addressing recent remarks made by Arrow actor David Ramsey that his character John Diggle could perhaps one day turn out to be Stewart, Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim said, “We’re not being coy and saying John Diggle is someone else, i.e. John Stewart. DC has other plans for that character.” As for what those plans might be, we’ll have to wait and find out. But since Warner Bros. has already made it clear that DC’s TV and cinematic universes will be kept separate, it’s a good bet the studio’s readying Stewart for a big-screen debut.



Sony has released a whopping five new TV spots for District 9 director Neill Blomkamp’s offbeat artificial intelligence thriller Chappie, due out on March 6th. Check ’em out below.

[Sony Pictures Entertainment]

What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below!

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  1. jeffery says:

    Warner is really screwing up with scattering their properties far and wide like this. I like the tighter TV and movie presence of Marvel. DC will have a show on every network soon.