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Movie Morsels: BATMAN V SUPERMAN Gives Wonder Woman a Theme Song

Well, it’s about bloody time… Wonder Woman‘s got herself some new theme music in today’s Movie Morsels, and you can hear for yourself if Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice does the Amazon princess proud. Plus, we have more shenanigans from Deadpool, the latest from Alien: Covenant and Allegiant, and more!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

If, like me, you grew up watching Lynda Carter’s 1970s Wonder Woman series, then you no doubt have fond memories of the show’s wah-wah-peddle-driven music and its iconic theme song (wholly but delightfully incongruous with the World War II setting in which its first season took place). Well, it’s been a long time since we’ve had a new live-action theme for the Princess of Paradise, but Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is taking some tentative first steps toward rectifying that. A cut from the film’s soundtrack by Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL—titled “Is She With You?”—has just arrived online. Sure, it’s nowhere near as bombastic as Lynda Carter’s arrival music, but then what is? Check it out below…

[WaterTower Music]


Our dear Deadpool is at it again. Not content to skewer everything from Valentine’s Day to Kanye West, the Merc with a Mouth is now taking on Hollywood’s most star-studded (and overhyped) event of all: the Academy Awards. His message to Academy voters went out yesterday…


Alien: Covenant

The Hateful Eight_Demien Bichir

The casting updates continue for Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel/Prometheus sequel Alien: Covenant. The latest recruit for a mission that’s sure to end in bloodshed and dismemberment? The Hateful Eight star Demian Bichir, who joins newcomers Katherine Waterston and Danny McBride, as well as the returning Michael Fassbender. Shooting on the film begins soon in Australia.

[The Hollywood Reporter]

A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time

Few young adult novels have quite the reputation of Madeleine L’Engle’s classic A Wrinkle in Time. So it’s heartening to hear that Disney has signed no less a filmmaker than Ava DuVernay, who directed the outstanding Selma, to helm the studio’s adaptation.


The Divergent Series: Allegiant

Finally today, a little something for the teens… or, really, anyone who likes watching two attractive young people making out. It’s the first clip from Lionsgate’s The Divergent Series: Allegiant, featuring stars Shailene Woodley and Theo James. The third film in the series, adapting the dystopian novels is directed by Robert Schwentke and lands on March 18…


Images: The Weinstein Company, Warner Bros.

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