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More Covers for the DOCTOR WHO Eighth Doctor Series from Titan Comics

Recently our resident Whovian, Kyle Anderson, shared an exclusive look at variant covers for the Titan Comics series based on Doctor Who‘s Eighth Doctor. A few more covers have surfaced, and we now have the distinct honor of bringing them to you fine readers.

The last three covers for the series below, written by George Mann and drawn by Emma Vieceli, do not seem quite as big or as bold as the ones previously shown (that may explain why Titan waited on releasing them). One cover is the blank, white, variant cover that just about every publishing house does now for fans to have signed or drawn on by creators at conventions. While it offers a way for readers to have their copy personalized, I am not certain why they would feel the need to release an image of this cover.

The last two include one that is a photo manipulation featuring actor Paul McGann portraying The Doctor, like some of the other covers have, and is reminiscent of cover images used by Big Finish on a lot of their audio dramas. The final cover is a fully illustrated depiction of the Eighth Doctor in a style closer to his TV-movie appearance in 1996, rather than the style of his recent reappearance for the show’s 50th anniversary.

While the previous set of covers either used renderings of The Doctor or involved him in some sort of urban environment, these last ones stand in stark contrast. McGann’s Doctor is instead isolated in a grassy field, or in front of a solitary house. This leaves us wondering which of the adventures that Titan teased in their press release will be the first one for The Doctor and his new companion Josie. Only time will tell.

The new Doctor Who series will be released on November 4th by Titan Comics. Let us know in the comments below if you plan on picking the book up.

Images: Titan Comics


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