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Miyamoto Had a Different Idea for How Goldeneye64 Should Have Ended

Next to Mario Kart 64, Ocarina of Time, and Super Mario 64, one of the most popular games that comes to mind when people talk about the Nintendo 64 is GoldenEye 007. Sure, the graphics weren’t the best, but it was one of the first shooters that a lot of us remember playing. Despite its popularity, however, the folks at Nintendo apparently had a thing or two to say about how violent it was–especially when you hold it up next to family friendly Ninty titles like Super Mario and Donkey Kong.

During the GameCity festival held in Nottingham over the weekend, former Rare producer Martin Hollis shared Shigeru Miyamoto’s original suggestions concerning how he thought the game should have ended.

“One point was that there was too much close-up killing – he found it a bit too horrible,” Hollis explained. “I don’t think I did anything with that input.”

“The second point was, he felt the game was too tragic, with all the killing. He suggested that it might be nice if, at the end of the game, you got to shake hands with all your enemies in the hospital.”

James Bond GIf

That last bit of advice certainly wasn’t taken either, but it’s funny to think about. I can’t imagine Iam Fleming’s famous MI6 agent going out of his way to visit the enemies he spent hours taking down. But, Hollis admitted that they did, in fact, add a credits sequence to explain that none of the deaths on screen represented real life.

As for why the game never had a sequel, Hollis revealed that the team was offered the opportunity to adapt Tomorrow Never Dies, but ended up declining it. He explained, “We had a small chat, three or four of us on the team. It was like, ‘No’. We sent the message back, ‘The answer is no. We don’t plan to make another Bond game from another Bond film’. And that was it.”

“You might’ve thought that on a commercial basis someone at Nintendo would’ve said, ‘Well, are you sure?’, but out of respect for the creator and the importance of the people who actually made the game, that was it.”

Were you happy with GoldenEye’s ending? Would you have played a video game adaptation of Tomorrow Never Dies? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Eurogamer

Featured Image Credit: Nintendo

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