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Mission Log: Supplemental 007 – The One with David Gerrold

David Gerrold joins us to talk tribbles, troubles and Trek. Plus listener feedback and a look ahead to Star Trek Las Vegas 2013.


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  1. JE Smith says:

    Excellent interview, I have always appreciated Mr. Gerrold’s forthrightness about pretty much everything. I met him a few years ago at a con, and he was a very nice guy. I especially enjoyed how he introduced himself at a panel with “Hi, I’m David Gerrold, and I wrote the novelization of BATTLE FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES.” 🙂

  2. Mister New York says:

    Still has the errant Nerdist outro over Mr. Gerrold’s speaking at @1:05. Is there a way to fix?

  3. Mister New York says:

    Um…about 1:05:00 in, the Nerdist farewell plays over David Gerrold as he is speaking. Just letting you know.