It’s the Stars and Stripes forever, even on a planet far, far away from Earth with no contact with Earth before. Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? This week, we put “The Omega Glory” in the Mission Log.
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What, you don’t remember reading about when the U.S. burned down the British capitol? Oh, wait…
“We won the war if 1812.”
Your history teacher owes you a refund.
Also, who is this Taylor that Kirk fights with near the end of the episode?
“If someone asks if you are a god, say, ‘Yes!'” To be fair, Kirk learns his lesson. (cf. The Paradise Syndrome)
Interestingly, just like Miri this is one of those unexplained duplicate Earths as well as a place where someone’s trying to discover eternal youth, which has long lived natives and new arrivals getting sick/unable to return to the ship.
i wish Kirk didn’t spare Tracey’s life!