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Microsoft Announces RARE REPLAY for XBox One this Summer

With all of the brand new games that Microsoft talked about at their XBox One Showcase at E3 2015, there were also some very exciting announcements about old favorites. One of these announcements was Rare Replay. For only $30, gamers will be able to get their hands on a collection of 30 different games from the Rare LTD catalog.

The games included extend all the way back to classic games from the original Nintendo system like Battletoads and R.C. Pro-Am, through the glory days of Nintendo 64 titles like Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark and Conker’s Bad Fur Day, and up into the modern era with Viva Pinata. This may very well be one of the biggest “Greatest Hits” collections that gaming has ever seen, and at a dollar a game, this will easily be the steal of the century for long-time gamers, and a beautiful introduction for a younger generation.

Sadly, not all of Rare’s biggest games will be able to make the transition over to XBox One in their collection. Games that fall under specified licensing deals, such as Goldeneye 64, and the Donkey Kong Country because they are owned by different parent companies. However, with a history like Rare has in this industry, there is no way gamers will be able to walk away from this collection disappointed. The Rare Replay will release for XBox One on August 4 of this year.

Are you going to pick up the collection when it releases? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to stick with Nerdist for more coverage of E3 2015.

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