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Meet the Horrifying Hybrid of Batman and Two-Face, as a Toy

Meet the Horrifying Hybrid of Batman and Two-Face, as a Toy

Holy Freak Cronenberg-Style Teleportation Accident, Batman!

Hasbro and Mattel learned a long time ago that when there are no more canonical Batman variants left to make, you make your own up. Square Enix sort of got the idea, but somehow missed the memo that said, “Do not induce nightmares.” The result of their labors: The unholy hybrid of Two-Face and Batman, designed by Hitoshi Kondo; it’s part of a new Play Arts Kai rogue’s gallery series of action figures that will mash up the caped crusader with many of his greatest enemies. The female ones should be interesting.

With a coin-flipping hand, alternate head with grinning expression, and suitably lopsided batarang (Two-a-rang?), the bastard spawn of Harvey Dent, Bruce Wayne, and Bill Sienkiewicz on Scarecrow fear gas was one of the most terrifyingly elaborate action figures on display at San Diego Comic-Con this year. Now he’s just about ready to come home with you…if you dare bring him. How can you resist a product that advertises, as its key feature, “A charred, scorched paint effect [that] has been carefully reproduced, along with eyes made with transparent parts for a haunting expression, set in a visage of half-melted flesh”? And dare we ask, “reproduced” from what? Never mind. Don’t answer that.

Nearly nine inches tall from bat-ear tip to toe, this bifurcated bat baddie comes loaded with articulation and paint ops, and will run you $199.99. If you’re not quite decided as to whether or not to grab it now at that price, may we suggest flipping a coin? It’s what he would want, you know.

Alternatively, you can check out the gallery below. Preferably with all the lights on in the house. And it’s not too early for Halloween ideas; cosplayers, you have your nerdy challenge right here.

Are you ready to add a Two-Faced Batman to your figure line-up? Coin a phrase in comments below.

For a less mortifying take on the Dark Knight, check out our trailer breakdown for Telltale’s Batman game.

Images: Square Enix


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