I wish I could say I was writing this review of the new Medal of Honor having had first hand game experience but well…let me tell you what happened.
So I have spent an entire evening watching Glee while putting together an effing sudoku of an armoire and occasionally wandering into the kitchen for a fresh Diet Coke only to see an inordinately happy young bearded gentleman shooting at taliban-esque peoples and yelling “PWNED” the way it is spelled (PWAWNEEED). Grrrrr.
In light of this really annoying and possibly divorce-producing situation, my review of the new Medal of Honor can only be this: If you are a youngish person with a full face of hair and a penchant for Call of Duty like gaming, then you will enjoy the new edition to the MOH franchise. If, however, you are a person with little to no chance of playing this game in the foreseeable future (or until your bearded counterpart/video game poacher is smothered with a pillow) then this game will make you feel very, very bitter about oh…everything.
Owwwwwww. I hurt myself laughing! Thank you for sharing. You might try cleavage, it works for my wife.
Joe is back! My favorite critic! Hi Joe!
why did you write this? are you even pretending to do this anymore?
Mr. Badhatharry,
You have stolen the ideas and works of Mr. Shift. Please cease and desist immediately. N00b.
don’t worry, I can vouch for your nonnoobness, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
OK, Rob Shift said the same thing as me. Like 20 hours before I did. I swear, I’m not new to commenting.
Your house has the big master breaker, right? Become friends with that.
You need to distract him so that you can steal the controller.
Flip the breaker switch and grab the controller when he goes down to the box. Done, and done.
Or, do what my wife does: Make cookies. Inevitably, by the time I figure it out, I’ve already been swindled.
I’d just go on the computer and DoS bomb my own ip address until the lag became unbearable.
You could always wreck the wireless….then play while he is fixing it. Bwahahahaha.
You didn’t rectify the situation immediately? Your bad. Step 1: find blunt object. Step 2: use blunt object. Step 3: enjoy game for yourself.
wow, a non-review, not needing a post? i’ll take whatever i can get i guess