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How STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT II Will Fill the Gap Between Eps 6 and 7

Thanks to the recently rebooted Star Wars timeline and the elimination of the Expanded Universe, there’s a huge gap of largely untapped stories set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. That’s a period of three decades that has only been lightly explored in the official Star Wars comics and novels until now. Today’s Nerdist News is taking an advance look at the upcoming solo campaign for Star Wars: Battlefront II, which will help fill in that gap from an Imperial perspective.

Join host, and human cyborg relations specialist, Jessica Chobot, as she tells us everything that’s currently known about Iden Versio, the lead character in Battlefront II‘s Inferno Squadron campaign. As portrayed by former True Blood actress, Janina Gavankar, Iden is an Imperial commander who is going on a long mission of revenge following the destruction of the second Death Star and the death of the Emperor. But just because the Emperor is dead doesn’t mean that he’s done giving orders to his loyal followers.

Star Wars Battlefront II Iden Versio
At E3 this week, EA is offering a deeper look into Battlefront II‘s story mode, which will take place during the fall of the Empire and the rise of the First Order. Because the game’s plot was constructed in cooperation with Lucasfilm’s story division, we may see events and battles that have only been hinted at in the novels. There’s also a good chance that Iden will become a major player in the Star Wars novels beyond her appearance in the Inferno Squad tie-in book. The real question we have is whether Iden will remain committed to the Imperial cause once she sees what the First Order is capable of doing.

Because one of the first DLC expansions for Battlefront II will be based around the planet Crait from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, we may even see an older Iden interacting with Finn and Captain Phasma. Of course, that’s assuming Crait will be more than just a new multiplayer map with familiar characters added to the mix.

Are you excited to see what happened after Return of the Jedi in Star Wars: Battlefront II? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!



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