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MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA Trailer Teases New “Initiative”

Well would you look at that! A few days ahead of November 7 (a.k.a. N7 Day), EA and Bioware are already starting to tease new information about the highly anticipated Mass Effect: Andromeda. The developer has been keeping information pretty tight to the chest, so any juicy tidbit of information is good to see. Check out the trailer at the top of the page, and prepare to join the mysterious “Andromeda Initiative.”

After giving fans an actual peek at gameplay during the PlayStation meeting back in September, and the bit we saw during E3 (below), the trailer gives us a taste of what’s in store for the plot. From the sound of the voiceover, and what we’ve heard in the past, Mass Effect: Andromeda will be pushing boundaries for the series.

Here’s a slice of the epic narration:

“This path began a long time ago. A course paved through human history that took us across continents, oceans, and ultimately to the stars. For us this planet is home. It’s protected us, challenged us, provided us the foundation to become galactic citizens.”

“But the time has come to prepare ourselves for a future beyond the Milky Way; a future that begins 600 years from where we stand, in a time and a place among unknown stars and unseen dangers.”

We don’t know much about the “Andromeda Initiative” at the moment, aside from the fact that you can join the newsletter version of it in real life. According to the site, folks who register will be “among the first contacted to receive critical mission information, special training opportunities” and will have the opportunity to seemingly win something upon completion. Recruit orientation is set to kick off on November 7 (obviously) so it will be interesting to see what they have up their sleeve.

Of everything mentioned, the “special training activities” sounds the most interesting. My bet is on a closed beta offered to a select number of recruits, but we’ll have to wait a few more days to find out. I’ve signed  up myself and will report back with my findings It’s going to be excruciating to wait!

The game is set to feature a bigger adventure, new characters. and more freedom–and we can’t wait.

What do you hope to see on N7 Day this year? We’re crossing our fingers for an actual release date and more plot information. Let us know in the comments, join the conversation on Facebook, or start one with me on Twitter: @Samantha_Sofka.

Image: EA/Bioware

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