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Mashup Monday: Aphex Twin Vs. Taylor Swift, “T4ouble”

Are you serious right now? Yes. Yes I am. This alarming, jarring, and altogether transfixing mashup of T-Swift/Aphex Twin appeared online toward the end of 2014 and quickly became one of the most inscrutable mashup compostions on the internet. It was even weirder to find out that cartoonist David Rees was responsible for the very barebones mashup. He surmised Taylor Swift and Aphex Twin are essentially driven by the same creative impulses and are similarly romantic figures. Though I am not sure I necessarily agree with that argument, you can’t deny how strikingly weird the idea to combine these two artists’ work is.

Listening to “T4ouble”–a mashup of Taylor’s “Trouble” and Aphex Twin’s “4”–makes me feel like I am absorbing a piece of postmodern art, akin to that time that Tilda Swinton slept in a glass box in MoMA, or like how PJ Harvey is currently recording her new album as a viewable exhibit at Somerset House in London. Nothing about it is necessarily subtle, and yet it is so far from an obvious song. Art, mannnnn.

Somehow, this mashup manages to be great, catchy, terrible, trashy, and utterly replayable all at the same time. Check it out below and let us know if “T4ouble” is awesome or just way too weird.

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  1. Bongsabre says:

    The proper title for this mashup is “Come to Daddy.”

  2. dys says:

    I’m actually too much of an unironic Swift fan to have enjoyed many of the covers and mashups that have come out lately (they just make me want to listen to the real thing), but this is terrific. Also reminds me I haven’t listened to AT in years and that was a mistake.

  3. Finn Nicolas says:

    Although not all of the mashup e.p is that great, I think that this song is quite good.

  4. sunnie says:

    Awesome. I love mashups. Thank you.