Okay, so Marvin E. Quasniki’s presidential campaign hasn’t been going the way he’d hoped. The Nerdist-endorsed candidate hasn’t been in any mood to do a fireside chat, but he did one anyway. “The bullshit dam just done broke,” Marvin says, and he’s angry at the other candidates. And creamed corn. And Roman numerals. And tater tots, and monkeys. But he finds hope in two things that have never let him down. Find out what they are at the Nerdist Channel by clicking here.
So maybe Marvin isn’t going to be heading to the convention with enough delegates to win, or with any at all. You can still cast your vote for truth, justice, the American Way, and “no more bullshit” by clicking here to subscribe to the Nerdist Channel. But let it be known: He’s wrong about tater tots.