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Marvel’s NEW WARRIORS Has Cast Its Squirrel Girl

Earlier this year, Freeform made the surprising announcement that Marvel’s New Warriors were coming to TV as a comedy series headlined by Squirrel Girl.  The actual show won’t debut until 2018, but the cast has finally been assembled.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, This is Us veteran Milana Vayntrub has landed the part of Squirrel Girl, the likely breakout character on this series. As her name might suggest, Squirrel Girl has enhanced strength, razor sharp squirrel claws, and teeth as well as the ability to speak to squirrels. Within the Marvel Universe, Squirrel Girl also has the unique distinction of defeating every supervillain she has ever faced, even Doctor Doom and Thanos.

The rest of the team isn’t strictly made up of New Warriors. It’s more of a mixture of the Great Lakes Avengers and the New Warriors. That’s why the leading man opposite Vayntrub’s Squirrel Girl is Derek Theler’s Mister Immortal. His entire power set is that he can not be killed, and he’s been a comedic character ever since his introduction in the comics.

New Warriors cover

The rest of the cast includes Jeremy Tardy as Night Thrasher; Calum Worthy as Speedball; Matthew Moy as Microbe; and Kate Comer as Debrii. It should be noted that the New Warriors wasn’t a comedy series in the Marvel Universe except during a brief run in 2006 that re-imagined the characters as stars of their own reality show. Most of that team was killed off during the Civil War crossover, although almost all of them have come back to life…except Microbe.

It’s unclear if New Warriors will take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as it will be Marvel’s first comedy TV series since it began producing its own content in Hollywood. The tone of the series will probably determine whether the show can work in the MCU. The Marvel films have a lot of comedy, but they never become outright farcical. If New Warriors goes for that kind of comedy then it may not fit in with the larger MCU.

Are you excited about the New Warriors cast? Let us know in the comment section below!

Image: Marvel

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