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Marvel’s Netflix Shows Will Film In New York

When it comes to pairings that just seem right, Marvel and New York City is right up there with peanut butter and jelly and Bert and Ernie. New York and Marvel have a special relationship, the majority of its mythic stories taking place in the city that never sleeps. But when it comes to the MCU, there’s been more of a more global initiative. Tony Stark lives in California (at least until the third movie, that is), the first Thor took place in New Mexico, and while the first Captain America spent some time in 1940s New York, it did eventually move mostly overseas. Up until The Avengers, there actually wasn’t much New York City to speak of when it came to the MCU. But that’s all about to change.

In an announcement made by the studio this morning, it’s been confirmed that all of the upcoming 60-episode Netflix Defenders saga (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist) will shoot in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood, starting this summer with Daredevil, which is currently slated for release in 2015.

The project will be produced in association with ABC Television Studios, which currently produces Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and will reportedly create a minimum of 3,000 jobs, 400 of which will be full-time. “These shows bring New York’s super heroes home where they belong — along with hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars in new business,” said Governor Andrew M. Cuomo at the press conference this morning.

While we still don’t know much about the plot of the 60-episode run – we don’t even know if it’s a modern day story or a period piece (Hell’s Kitchen is not the neighborhood it was in the ’70s) – this project is already immensely fascinating. While we’re all waiting anxiously for Avengers: Age of Ultron, we’ll be waiting with equal anticipation for these Netflix shows. So it really is nice that it seems, thus far, Marvel is taking them very seriously. And shooting them in the city in which they’re meant to be is a great first sign.

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