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Marvel Reveals CIVIL WAR II #0 Cover, Teases Captain Marvel’s Role

This spring, Marvel is starting another large scale superhero conflict in Civil War II, the sequel to the story that led to the upcoming Captain America: Civil War film. Writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist David Marquez are tearing the heroes apart, with opposing sides led by Iron Man and Captain Marvel.

In a new interview with The Washington Post, Marvel’s editor-in-chief Axel Alonso explained why Captain Marvel, a.k.a. Carol Danvers, is stepping up into the forefront in the next crossover event. “There’s a reason that Carol is a part of the opposition forces,” Alonso said. “It not only speaks to her character, but her new role in the Marvel universe. She’s the leader of Alpha Flight, which is Earth’s first line of defense from all incursions. As of today, she is a very powerful authoritative figure in the Marvel universe.”

Marvel also unveiled the cover for Civil War II #0, as drawn by artist Olivier Coipel. Bendis and Coipel will be the creative team for the zero issue of Civil War II.

Civil War II 0 Cover

Last month, Marvel revealed that the conflict behind Civil War II will erupt when the heroes encounter a character who can predict the future with an unusually high degree of accuracy. Essentially, Captain Marvel wants to go full-on Minority Report and capture villains before they can commit their crimes, while Iron Man and his followers adamantly disagree.

More importantly, Marvel has teased a major superhero death to set off the new Civil War, and the murderer may even be another superhero. But who will be Marvel’s sacrificial lamb? Since the Civil War II news first broke, Marvel announced that Steve Rogers will be Captain America again. And while Marvel has said that former Falcon, Sam Wilson will remain Captain America as well, he does seem like an obvious choice to be the victim in Civil War II.

But perhaps Sam Wilson is too obvious of a choice. Whoever the victim is needs to be someone who is beloved both within the Marvel universe and by the fans. The Thing would be a good choice, if he wasn’t off in space with the Guardians of the Galaxy. But the Civil War II #0 cover also offers two other potential targets: She-Hulk and War Machine. Either of those two heroes would be greatly missed as well.

Civil War II #0 will be released in May, before Civil War II #1 follows in June.

Which superhero will die in Civil War II? Share your predictions below!


HT: The Washington Post
Image Credit: Marvel Comics

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