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Marvel Gives Captain America Fans Assurances about SECRET EMPIRE

Marvel Gives Captain America Fans Assurances about SECRET EMPIRE

Last year, Marvel shocked fans with the revelation that Captain America had seemingly been a double agent for Hydra all along. It was subsequently explained that Cap’s past and loyalties had been altered by the machinations of the Red Skull and a Cosmic Cube, but that’s too much info for the casual non-comic book fans to easily absorb. That’s why the new Secret Empire event series is getting news coverage that makes it sound like Cap is siding with the fascists he fought in WWII.

To counter that impression, Marvel has essentially told fans not to worry about the outcome of Secret Empire. Via ABC News, Marvel said “we want to assure all of our fans that we hear your concerns about aligning Captain America with Hydra and we politely ask you to allow the story to unfold before coming to any conclusion.”


“Captain America, will always be a cornerstone of the Marvel Universe who will stand up for what is right, and Secret Empire will be the biggest challenge Steve has ever faced,” continued Marvel. “What you will see at the end of this journey is that his heart and soul — his core values, not his muscle or his shield — are what save the day against Hydra and will further prove that our heroes will always stand against oppression and show that good will always triumph over evil.”

We’ve been down this road before with the Superior Spider-Man event; which featured the apparent death of Peter Parker’s soul when Doctor Octopus took over Peter’s body. By the end of that story, Peter Parker was back in control and reaffirmed as the one true Spider-Man. It’s pretty safe to assume that Secret Empire will conclude in a very similar way, with Cap once again a paragon of virtue. Hopefully he’ll get his old costume back too!

Are you satisfied with Marvel’s assurances about Hydra Cap? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: Marvel Comics



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