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Marvel and Netflix Release JESSICA JONES Opening Title Sequence

Prepare to go into “binge watch mode” Marvel fans, because this weekend the second Marvel Studios series hits Netflix streaming, in the form of Jessica Jones. Remember that entire weekend you became a shut-in, staying inside and watching the amazing Netflix Daredevil series? This is going to be like the sequel to that. (Only this time, remember to shower, if only for the sake of the poor pizza delivery person.) And you should be excited, because the early reviews for the latest Marvel offering have been pretty stellar so far.

To get you in the proper mood, Marvel and Netflix have released the opening credits for the show, which have a jazzy, film noir feeling to them, appropriate for a show about a P.I. The watercolor style design of this title sequence is obviously a nod to the cover art from illustrator David Mack, who did the covers for the Marvel Comics series Alias back in the early 2000’s, on which this show is based. As for the purple hues used in the credits, well…you’ll just have to watch the show to see what that’s about. That’s kind of going into spoiler territory for the uninitiated.

The original Alias comic was written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by Michael Gaydos, and was the series where the character of Jessica Jones was first created and starred in for 28 issues. The new television series couldn’t be called Alias obviously, as to not confuse it with that other show starring a kick-ass female lead. Thanks a lot, J.J. Abrams and Jennifer Garner. The show has been in development for a long time, and originally went from being called Alias: Jessica Jones, to AKA: Jessica Jones to finally just Jessica Jones. Sometimes, the simplest name is the best one.

All 13 episodes of Jessica Jones starring Krysten Ritter in the title role are streaming on Netflix right now. You can watch the entire opening credits sequence above.

HT: SlashFilm
IMAGES: Marvel Studios

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